> The yuv4mpeg stream format is truly great, and has facilitated the
> inter-operability of many fine tools.
> But as we all know, it doesn't support audio.
> Can anyone please recommend a similar lossless streaming format, but one
> which:
>  - has an available API with similar simplicity to mjpeg yuv4mpeg API
>  - supports audio
>  - is suitable for piping via stdio, like the mjpeg y4m tools
Audio was always done by piping it, using stdout/in.
There was never a API in the mjpegtools.

Maybe because the audio was so small compared to the video. And so fast, 
and most people don't change the audio anyways.

Were you thinking about extending the yuv4mpeg API ?
Did you have something special in your mind ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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