On Fri, 2007-09-14 at 14:27 +1000, Mark Heath wrote:
> :-) yeah that's my version.

Ohh, oops!

> I am thinking about doing something more intelligent than line  
> doubling. (maybe adaptive blending)

Oh yes, please do! :)

> And making better support for different chroma subsampling, but maybe  
> next week.

Less urgent, since many yuv4mpeg tools seem to be hardwired to 4:2:0.

But in a perfect world, all the tools would support all the ss modes.

> There are a lot of good deinterlacing algorithms out there but most  
> of the implementations are for systems other than mjpegtools.

mjpegtools absolutely needs a lossless deinterlacer.

> I also improved my weighted average framerate converter after seeing  
> that yuvfps was giving incorrect results on converting to very slow  
> framerates. (1fps)

I've been getting great results with yuvmotionfps, especially when block
size and search radius are tuned appropriately for the footage.

> I'm finding the motion compensating de-interlacers a little slow and  
> the artefacts it introduces a little annoying.

Better IMHO to go progressive at double framerate.

> Thanks for the support, it's good to hear that it is making use  
> somewhere, if you need any improvements, let me know.

I've just updated and uploaded my Python yuv4mpeg wrappers, this time
adding a much nicer/leaner/cleaner wrapper built with Pyrex. Performance
is surprisingly good given that Python code is iterating over every

What would be brilliant is a tool to convert 4:2:0 to 4:4:4alpha and
back, and for all the mjpegtools and 3rd party yuv4mpeg tools to support
4:4:4alpha. Doing the maths to convert 4:2:0 YUV to RGB and back is
presently a coding pain and a resource waster.

And - would be awesome if ffmpeg had options to output YUV streams with
any chroma subsampling. It seems hardwired to 4:2:0 at the moment.


> Mark
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