Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> > For a long time there have been known issues with encoding at low quality
> > factors such as q=2 (ie: high quality encoding) on ix86.  I understand this
>       Not -q again.  Seems like just yesterday there was (yet another)
>       discussion about it.
Ok, I must be blind.  Ever since the issue came to light I've been watching
for news on it but I never saw anything.

> > was due to something related to potential overflows in some parts of the MMX
> > code.  From memory the general recommendation from a year or so ago was that
>       "or so" ;)  The mmx code was rewritten/updated/modified between
>       December 2004 and March 2005 to workaround/fix the issues with
>       overflow in the mmx routines.  

Right.  I'm blind. :-)

> > on ix86 one shouldn't go below a "q" value of 3.
>       That's still, if you understand what -q is and so on,  good advice 
>       most of the time ;)  

For sure.  The point is that with the MMX code fixed there's no potential
for overflow no matter what the quality setting which gives one a little
more confidence.

> > What is the current status on this - does mpeg2enc still suffer this
> > limitation or has it been dealt with?
>       The current state, since approximately Feb 19, 2007, is that mpeg2enc
>       is BROKEN and should not be used.  If you DO use it then -q of 4 or
>       higher MAY produced uncorrupted output.  

I vaguely recall something about this.

>       Last known working mpeg2enc is RC1.  RC2 is broken.

Given this I assume it's known what broke it and that it will be fixed
before RC3 (or final) is released.  Is anyone working on it at the moment
or is there a need for more eyes?

"Time is an illusion; lunchtime doubly so"

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