Stephen is right! As soon as I read his reply I suddenly remembered that "at" collects the output of the scheduled command to send it as an e-mail to the user who ran it.
The usual output from lavrec is harmless on a terminal, because every line overwrites the previous one, but on a file, or maybe in a process memory, it's made up of hundreds of lines! I guess they all are written in a buffer managed by "at" until the scheduled program is over, but that just works for small outputs. I think that's why the system almost hangs, and it actually does when you're not around to kill lavrec before the "at" buffer consumes all of the system resources. Many thanks to all! Andrea Giuliano wrote: > Dear all, > > I guess there is something I cannot see before my very eyes, so I hope > you will be patient with me! > > Here are the facts. > > I start lavrec from /opt/bin (I compiled the sources), and everything > goes right (at least, lavrec works as expected). Sometimes I record TV > programs from my satellite decoder at night, so I schedule the recording > with "at", but... the system hangs. > > So I tried again and again, till I decided to try even with "at now" and > the same command that works without "at" and the result is still that: > the system hangs. > > Well, actually it doesn't really hands: the system load becomes suddenly > so high that even killing the process is very difficult because the > terminal is incredibly slow, so it take about a minute to issue "ps | > grep" and then "kill". > > Did anyone else experienced something like this? Why does lavrec suck > all of the system resources when invoked by "at"? Am I using "at" the > wrong way? > > Best regards. > -- Andrea ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Using Tomcat but need to do more? Need to support web services, security? Get stuff done quickly with pre-integrated technology to make your job easier. Download IBM WebSphere Application Server v.1.0.1 based on Apache Geronimo _______________________________________________ Mjpeg-users mailing list