
> I'm trying to convert a motion JPEG(AVI) file to a JPEG file, as follows.
> lavtrans -o output.jpg -f i -i 10 +n input.avi
> This should create 10th frame JPEG file, but the output.jpg seems
> to be invalid.  I can't open it with gimp.
> What's wrong?
> Thank you

Which version of the mjpegtools do you use ?
The documentation of my version says:
-i num   Convert a single frame to a JPEG file.

The num is the frame you want extraced as a jpeg image.

It does not work that way, soory.
It would work that way:
lavtrans -o output%04d.jpg -f i test.avi
rm output???[1-9].jpg

Now everything left in the directory is every 10'th frame.

Another way would be with a small shell scriptcounting up, and you only
output every 10th frame (with the -i option)

Whith which program was the AVI file created ?
I have tested the CVS version of the mjpegtools and Gimp 2.2.10 and it
Have you tried other programms like xv ?

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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