
> I am converting aac to mp2 with this command:
> faad -w -d s2.aac | mp2enc -b 192 -r 44100 -o s2.mp2
Could you pleas split you command and generate first the wav file, and
than feed the wave file to mp2enc:
faad -w -d s2.aac >file.wav
cat file.wav | mp2enc -b 192 -r 44100 -o s2.mp2

> But I am getting  "Error: Maximum number of bitstream elements exceeded".
> Is this something to worry about?
No idea, a "grep Error *.c" in the aenc source diretory of mp2enc did
not bring and result. So I think that this is no mp2enc error message. 

If the file plays fine, and the error message is not from mp2enc, you
need to ask the faad people. If the file does not play, you might try to
resample the output from faad by faad to 44.1kHz. That might be a better
idea than letting mp2enc make the change of the sample rate. 

I think that this meassdage at the end of decoding. So it should be
rather harmless.

> s2.aac file info:
> ADTS, 5040.469 sec, 126 kbps, 24000 Hz
>   ---------------------
>  | Config:  2 Ch       |
>   ---------------------
>  | Ch |    Position    |
>   ---------------------
>  | 00 | Left front     |
>  | 01 | Right front    |
>   ---------------------
>    INFO: [mp2enc] Opened WAV file, freq = 48000 Hz, channels = 2, bits = 16
>    INFO: [mp2enc] format = 0x1, audio length = 0 bytes
>    INFO: [mp2enc] SpF=626, frac SpF=0.939, bitrate=192 kbps, sfreq=44.1 kHz
>    INFO: [mp2enc] Fractional number of slots, padding required
>    INFO: [mp2enc] System is little endian
> Error: Maximum number of bitstream elements exceeded
>    INFO: [mp2enc] Num frames 192942 Avg slots/frame = 626.939; b/smp = 4.35;
> br = 192.000 kbps
>    INFO: [mp2enc] Encoding to layer 2 with psychoacoustic model 2 is finished
>    INFO: [mp2enc] The MPEG encoded output file name is "s2.mp2"

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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