hello, i tried to make a mpeg diashow withthe kipi-plugins
but i get this error:

images2mpg --with-gui  -f SVCD -n PAL -d 2 -c 454545 -T /tmp/kde-pasq/kipi-mpegencoderplugin-10703/ -M /usr/bin -I /usr/bin -o "/home/pasq/Desktop/diax.mpg" -i  "/home/pasq/foto/100km023/pict0770.jpe"  "/home/pasq/foto/100km023/pict0771.jpe"  "/home/pasq/foto/100km023/pict0772.jpe"  "/home/pasq/foto/100km023/pict0773.jpe"

Encoding image files...

Images encoding (%) : 0      [0     
   INFO: [yuvscaler] yuvscaler 1.8.0 (15-02-2004) is a general scaling utility for yuv frames
   INFO: [yuvscaler] (C) 2001-2004 Xavier Biquard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, yuvscaler -h for help, or man yuvscaler
Images encoding (%) : 1      [1     
**ERROR: [yuvscaler] Could'nt read YUV4MPEG header!

EXIT STATUS: Fehler während des Kodierungsvorgang.

please let me understand the problem.
greetings, pasq

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