On Thu, 8 Sep 2005, Stan Gammons wrote:

> Is there a way to convert a mjpeg 4:1:1 file (Matrox AVI format) to a
> "standard" 4:2:2 or 4:2:0 file format using mjpegtools?  Other tools?
> Forget about it?

        Motion JPEG was/is, a 4:2:2 format, I thought.  4:1:1 sounds like
        a DV variant.

        Do you know the fourcc of the AVI file?  Perhaps a bit of research
        can dig up some info on what how matrox is packing the bytes and 
        encoding the data.

        CHroma conversion can be done with mjpegtools + y4mscaler (the latter
        is at http://www.mir.com/DMG/Software/y4mscaler.html) but first the
        data needs to be decoded into 4:1:1 YUV - after that things are

        Have you tried 'mplayer' or 'ffmpeg'?  If they can read the format
        then the decoding part is solved.  

        Steven Schultz

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