David Stan wrote:
> hi all
> I am a confused newbie (ie someone who knows enough to
> get into trouble)
> I have a dc10 plus card I beleive a card no. 2 type
> i.e. it has a the following chips on it
> ZR36067PQC-LV
> ZR36060 PQC
> SAA 7110A
> ADV 7176AKS
That are the important IC's.

> I am using a harddrive installed version of kanotix
> which I beleive then becomes a debian system using
> kanotixes schripts
> The kernel is a 2.6.12-kanotix-1
> I have installed mjpegtools ver 1.6.2-0.9 using synaptic
Take a look and find out if there is a compiled zr3606 module. Or maybe
the driver is alreaddy compiled into the kernel. 

If you have that module try to load it. Usually the driver should detect
the card correct. If not take a look in ther kernel Doku file Zoran and
look here for the section 2 How do I get this damn thing to work:
Load zr36067.o. If it can't autodetect your card, use the card=X insmod
option with X being the card number as given in the previous section.
To have more than one card, use card=X1[,X2[,X3,[X4[..]]]]
options zr36067 card=X1[,X2[,X3[,X4[..]]]]
alias char-major-81-0 zr36067
When loading the moduls look at the messages you find in your system log
(often /var/log/messages) If you encounter problems attach the output
from the log.

> my hardware is a 1800+ with a 9200se video card with a
> sis motherboard
Should work, at least I do not remember reports where the card didn't
> my 1st question is how do i know what modules or
> drivers are loaded? which do i need?
> 2nd the best way to test the system
Attach a video source (maybe not VCR for the first tests) and run xawtv. 

> 3rd can i use xawtv
That one TV application you can use for viewing. :)
If you see the signal you can start an try to record from the card with
the mjpegtools. You might want to take a look a the mjpeg-howto (found
on the mjpegtoos hompage) first. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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