When yuvdenoise was first re-written I was really sad because I liked the 
original yuvdenoise so much.  The newer one was slow and did not seem to get 
rid of anywhere near the noise the original did.  I decided to give it another 
chance using the latest from CVS and noticed it is now only 2X as slow as the 
original (getting closer :-) and there is a noticeable difference in quality 
from the old one from what I can tell.  I always saw a little bit of a 
'pulsating' effect on the original yuvdenoise (my wife thought I was crazy, but 
I saw it...) like there was some sort of an overflow issue, but this newer one 
doesn't have that problem.  The older one also never quite let a scene with 
deep red tones fade to black on scene transitions, but this newer one seems to 
be able to truly fade to complete black.  The picture is very stable with it.  
I only use light denoise (y, u, v all values of 1) which is what I was used to 
doing with the original yuvdenoise.

Anyway, thought I'd give a little note of encouragement about it.  I love this 
set of tools.  I recently set my father up with these tools - he has a lot of 
video tapes he wants to convert.  He had been trying to use Windows and I kept 
telling him that these tools on Linux would give far, far better results.  He 
never quite believed it until he actually saw it for himself.  He was blown 
away by the quality of the video he saw after running it through light 
yuvdenoise and yuvycsnoise fed into mpeg2enc.  He never thought it would be 
possible to get such good quality.

If I could give 1 little suggestion though...rather than 'yuvdenoise -help' can 
it take 'yuvdenoise --help' to be consistent with mpeg2enc's --help?  :-)

I'm off to play around with some other y/u/v values, but from what I've seen 
with these '1' values it looks great.

-- Ray

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