On Thu, 12 May 2005, Dik Takken wrote:

> a new trick while doing it: Use MPlayer to turn down the contrast setting 
> of the XVideo subsystem and set the saturation real high. The 'yuvplay' 
> utility does not touch XV settings so it will have the same display 
> settings as MPlayer has. Now all that is left to see is pure chroma data.

        Cute trick.  

> Next, I tried to get rid of all the noise in the chroma data. The CCD 

        I think that is far too ambitious of a goal.   Only way to get rid
        of _all_ the chroma noise is to create a black&white video.  A more
        reasonable goal would be to reduce the noise to a less objectionable 

> induced chroma noise is quite heavy in the low-light scene I use for 
> testing. First I tried spatial filtering only by using y4mspatialfilter 
> and yuvmedianfilter. This approach failed, because the groups of 

        Hmmm, the report yesterday or so mentioned yuvmedianfilter as being

> adjacent pixels that change color from one frame to the next are too 
> large. Removing the noise would require using a filtering radius of > 15 
> pixels or so, which blurs the chroma channel too much.

        Did you use the normal/default mode of yuvmedianfilter or the '-f'
        averaging mode?  Something like "-t 0 -f -R 4" might do a reasonable

        But wow - 15 pixel groups of noise?  Sounds like it's time for a 
        camcorder with a better CCD - either that or the CCD (or electronics)
        have developed a fault of some kind.

> smil2yuv file.dv | y4mdenoise -t 0 -z 0 -T 12 -Z 12 | yuvplay
> The downside of using y4mdenoise is that it takes 5 seconds to process a 
> single frame on my machine. Even higher error thresholds do not make it 

        Use of PentiumIII-550 cpus is discouraged for video encoding :-)

        Even on a PentiumIII-800 I see about 1/2 frame/sec with y4mdenoise.
        Well, it's a dual cpu system so the other processing isn't competing
        with the denoising.

        Ah, but "-t 0 -z 0" doesn't disable the luma processing in y4mdenoise,
        does it?  I think those values cause the most exhaustive time
        consuming processing y4mdenoise is capable of!  The way to speed
        up y4mdenoise is to use something like "-t 2 -z 1"  or "-t 3 -z 2".

        Or get a faster system <grin>

> smil2yuv file.dv | yuvdenoise -Y 1 -U 1 -V 1 -y 1 -u 10 -v 10 | yuvplay
> But this also has a downside: It touches the luma data too because, AFAIK, 

        But with very mild settings.   I think you might actually want that
        to help reduce the 'sandpaper' or "boiling sand" effect - something 
        I have seen with lowlight footage shot with a Digital8 camcorder
        (1/6" CCD).

> Could yuvdenoise be fixed to ignore the luma channel when the threshold is 
> zero? It seems to me that it would be the ideal chroma noise filter.

        Probably be fairly easy - perhaps Stefan will see the request and
        put that in along with the new algorithm he mentioned the other day.

        Steven Schultz

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