
> I started with jpeg-mmx and found there were two major problems when
> using GNU C ( cygqin or mingw). Firstly autoconf set ASMFLAGS to "-f
> elf" as is appropriate for a linux environment rather than "-f coff" or "-f
> win32". It did look for and environment variable CYGWIN to configure
> this but my cygwin does not set this.  The second was the GNU C
> compiler does prepend underscore to externals when used on windows
> but does not when using the elf format. Consequently every call to
> assembly code results in a linker error. This could be easily fixed with
> the __asm__ ("label") construction.
> After fixing these jpeg-mmx compiles ok and runs the included tests.
Wow, I thought that the jpeg-mmx would cause the greates problems. You
don't need the jpeg-mmx. It "only" halvs the image decoding time. 

> I have only just started looking at Mjpegtools itself but would be happy
> to work with anyone interested.
Sorry, there are no reports how the mjpegtools can be compiled with some
easy steps in Windows. If you make it and write some kind of compile
hints for Windows, like they exist for MAC OSX

> Searching this archive and the developers achive doesn't find much
> interest in windows ports for the last couple of years, and the signup
> pages would suggest that " longer discussions are discouraged" so I am
> not sure if this list is the correct forum. Perhaps the group can indicate
> their thoughts on this.
I would guess that the majority of users does not use windows. 
If you stay subscribed to the list, you can help other users with your
windows experience. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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