On Mon, 28 Mar 2005, Steven Miller wrote:

> Or is transcodes configure script out of whack?

        Yes ;)   The configure script isn't adding the necessary -I lines
        to its "test compile" command.

        I think the problem you're running into is that transcode won't
        build against the cvs version of mjpegtools.  Until mjpegtools
        gets a release (or at least a release candidate) transcode can only
        build against the older 1.6.2 mjpegtools.

        The current (cvs) version of mjpegtools is also pkgconfig based
        so eventually transcode would need to use pkg-config.   Then
        the usual PKG_CHECK_MODULES(MJPEGTOOLS, [mjpegtools >= 1.7.0]) would
        Do The Right Thing.

        Until then if you're using transcode you'll have to build it against
        the 1.6.2 release version (even if you did get past the ./configure
        stage the compile/build wouldn't work).

        Steven Schultz

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