> Feed progressive stream to "mpeg2enc -p",
> so don't do 2nd "yuvcorrect -T

Ah, I didn't realize that.  That should end up in the
man page, and as a warning inside mpeg2enc, probably.

> And, if the result of "yuvcorrect -T LINE_SWITCH"
> twice is correct,
> both LINE_SWITCH are not needed.

Yeah, I'm kinda unsure why I need both of them too. 
But if I don't do the first one, yuvkineco gets lost,
and generates mostly Ds.  With the line-switch, I get
the expected "OOO_X" pattern.  And if I don't do the
second one, the picture looks much worse.

> I guess you want to convert a correct
> bottom-field-first stream
> to a correct top-field-first stream to feed to
> yuvkineco,
> if so you should use "yuvcorrect -T TOP_FORWARD -T

Won't that throw off yuvkineco?  None of the "frames"
it sees will be actual complete film frames, and
there's no yuvkineco command for "top field replaced
by previous one and output".

Steven Boswell
ulatekh at yahoo dot com

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