>>>If you have a progressive frame in 4:2:0, then
>>>the first chroma line is the average from lines
>>>1 and 2.  The second chroma line is the average
>>>of 3 and 4.
>Right - for 4:2:0.  The "average from lines 1 and
>2" and 'lines 3 and 4' are the ":0" of 4:2:0.
>4:1:1 is not subsampled vertically.

But I have an _interlaced 3-2 pulldown_ of a
progressive frame.  So 4:2:0 chroma line 1 will be
an average of 4:1:1 chroma lines 1 and 3.  I need
4:2:0 chroma line 1 to be an average of 4:1:1
chroma lines 1 and 2.  That's why I think I have
to swap lines 2 & 3 of every group of 4 chroma

>>[if] I want to convert it back to 24fps, I first
>>have to swap lines 2 & 3 of every 4 lines of the
>>4:1:1 color, in order to get the
>>progressive-frame color to come out right.
>With 4:1:1 all that I think is needed is to undo
>the 2:3 pulldown to get rid of the repeated
>fields.  That will give you a 24 (well,
>24000/1001 ;)) 4:1:1 progressive image.  Then
>later on when you convert to 4:2:0 y4mscaler will
>do the right thing with respect to the chroma.

Right, as soon as yuvkineco can handle 4:1:1, so
that I can run y4mscaler *after* it instead of
before it.  But you're saying the 4:1:1 chroma
line-swap is not needed?

Steven Boswell
ulatekh at yahoo dot com

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