>I think I must be doing something silly: every time I try to pipe the

Excellent intuition... :)

 >output of either png2yuv or ppmtoy4m into mpeg2enc, mpeg2enc complains:
 >  ERROR: [mpeg2enc] Could not read YUV4MPEG header: bad stream or frame
 >    header!
 >Command lines:
 >  png2yuv -f 25 -I b -n 1 -L 1 -j foo.png | \
 >    mpeg2enc -f 8 -o output.mpg silence.m2a

mpeg2enc != mplex

Since you supplied an _input filename_ to mpeg2enc, it is trying
 to read a YUV4MPEG2 stream from "silence.m2a", and that is failing
 (because, I assume, it is an MPEG audio stream).

-matt m.

ps:  My own intuition says that your input PNG image doesn't actually
     have a 59:54 sample aspect ratio, i.e. you'll need y4mscaler in
     the pipeline.

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