On Wed, 2 Feb 2005, Trent Piepho wrote:

> mpeg2enc doesn't seem to work correctly when I use the -M option for multi-cpu
> encoding.

        Did you do a 'cvs update' recently (within the last week or 10 days)?

        I had the same problem (only on a OS/X system at the time) and Andrew
        checked in a change that fixed the problem - haven't seen it happen

>    INFO: [lt-mplex] Scanned to end AU 1
> ++ WARN: [lt-mplex] No seq. header starting new sequence after seq. end!
>    INFO: [lt-mplex] Scanned to end AU 5

> ++ WARN: [lt-mplex] No seq. header starting new sequence after seq. end!
> [snip]

        Yep -same exact error I was seeing.  There was a subtle unitialized
        variable use that could cause the sequence end  flag to be
        erroneously set.

        If a cvs update and rebuild doesn't fix the problem then it's 
        "back to the drawing board" ;(

        Steven Schultz

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