
> > Might be a interresting idea to be able to tell yuvfps you own
> > resampling style.
> Doesn't it exist in Kino ?
I don't know. I do not have a DV video source. So I don't need to use

> That could be another option for me, to convert the all lot in DV then use
> the Fx slow down to get a proper speed. Results prove a bit choppy but not
> sure that I have a choice right now..
I think that dropping frames lookes not that good as inserting frames. 

Some guys in Austria has use yuvfps to create slowedown version. They
have calculated the potential sunshine duration january till december
with 365 frames. But that was to fast for viewing. So they used yuvfps
to "slow" the video down. 
(Take a look here: http://tirolatlas.uibk.ac.at/places/ than "A-Z
Index", than choose any comunity. In the description of the comunity you
find the 3MB Video)
So you can choose if yufps would work well for you.

If you search the mailingslist archive you should find some posts from
Andrew where he writes about how to create a really good frame rate
conversation program. I don't know if anyone have tried to do it that
way yet. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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