I've encoded several things since successfully compiling from CVS last week and it seems to me 
the quality has noticeably improved.  I originally built from CVS wanting to try y4mdenoise, but 
it is just too slow for me to use.  However I do use y4mspatialfilter right before yuvdenoise, so 
my chain is {raw video} -> yuvscaler -> yuvcorrect -> y4mspatialfilter -> yuvycsnoise 
-> yuvdenoise -> mpeg2enc. ..short chain :-)

Anyway, it appears to me the quality is a little better than before (ie - last 
official release).  Edges seem to be very crisp now.  I'm not sure if that is 
from improvements in yuvdenoise, the addition of y4mspatialfilter, improvements 
to mpeg2enc, or some combination :-)  y4mspatialfilter's defaults caused the 
image to blur really bad, but I was able to tweak the parameters to it to get 
some good results.  I get a slightly lower bitrate using y4mspatialfilter, but 
keep it before yuvdenoise because if I place it after yuvdenoise it tends to 
blur a little.  Seems like yuvdenoise runs faster than it used to as well, 
though I've not done any specific timing from old to new.

-- Ray

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