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Sorry, i mixed up home and business Mailadresses.

> > I have used a BT878 card for capturing from TV and VHS via
> > composite with a Linux(now 9.0) and mjpegtools 1.6.2-0.
> > Now, we have DVB-T and i would like to keep this setup for
> > some time, it works fine.
> > 
> > Since with DVB-T there are still blocking artifacts, i would ask
> > for the best parameters for mpeg2enc.
> Do you still record with the BT878 card ?

Yes, from the DVD-T Box via fbas(composite). This Signal contains
already Blocks due to the mpeg-bitrate.

> > This is for TV/VCR. With DVB-T, there is no noise(?), but blocking
> > artifacts. My preference is Quality, not size of the mpg-file.

> It would help if you could tell us the other options ($q, $ZIEL ...).

Oh, sorry, my commandline for TV-VHS is something like that:

yuvdenoise -L110 -C110 -S150 -t2 -b....

mpeg2enc -a2 -np -f8 -F3 -q[2|4] -R0 -D10 -N10 -Khi-res -41 -21
-r32 -c -P -s -b9500...

For me this was empiric the Optimum for best Quality(perhaps
there are improvements). Some parameters are still defaults(for
this version).

> And the average bitrate you have.
> You might take a look at the -E option that can help a little. 
> Some option shouldn't be needed, like -n, -F , -s, -a. 
> Do the blocking artefacts vanish if you use a other
> quantisation matrice?

Ok, I will play around with this three points.

> You use -N (reduce hf) and -H (via the -Khi-res) (keep HF). You might
> try to drop the -Khi-res, or replace it with a other quantization
> matrice.


> > Is yuvdenoise still neccessary? Does anywhone have still ideas
> > for optimal parameters not boosting up blocking artifacts?
> That depends on the bitrate you have. If the filesize is still low
> enough for you without the denoiser, you do not need it. 
> Who much difference in the average bitrate do you have when you encode
> the movie once with the denoiser and once without ?

I have to try out this, a DVB-T mpeg-stream doesnt be noisy,
is that true? Not noisy, but blocky?

Thank you, i will report about what i found out.

viele Grüße,
Frank Albrecht

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