On Thu, 2004-12-02 at 13:29, Steven M. Schultz wrote:
> On Fri, 3 Dec 2004, E.Chalaron wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I vaguely remember an anti shake filter at some stage. Is it available or 
> > did I 
> > dream it ?
>       y4mstabilizer
>       Only in the CVS version at the moment.  If you run into problems or 
>       have questions the author (not myself ;)) lurks on the list.

I'm here.

y4mstabilizer works best with progressive 444 data.  It still
works fine for making DVDs.  The recommended pipeline (as given in
"y4mstabilizer -h" is:

   ... | yuvdeinterlace | y4mscaler -v 0 -O src=src -O chromass=444 | \
   y4mstabilizer | y4mscaler -v 0 -O src=src -O chromass=430_MPEG2 | ...

It should work without the 444 conversion, but then the jumps are in
multiples of 2-4 pixels, which is annoying.  Interlaced has problems.

I built it because I have a ton of home videos taken in situations
where using a tripod would have been awkward or downright impossible
(e.g., sporting events).  It isn't perfect, but it does make them
more watchable.

I have a wishlist of features I would like to add sometime, if
I ever get the time:

        1. Get interlaced video working.
        2. Fractional pixel movements by bicubic interpolation.
           Then, the y4mscaler steps could be skipped, and there
           would be much less motion, at the expense of more CPU
           time used.  Does y4mscaler have anything useful here?
           A liby4mscaler, anyone?
        3. Optionally model and correct for rotations, in addition
           to x/y translations.

James Macropol

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