On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Jonathan Woithe wrote:

> I have encountered something rather odd about yuvdenoise from mjpegtools
> 1.6.2 and the way it works on two different machines.  In short, I encoded
> a video in two 90 minute sections using the same command line - one was on a
> (PII-vintage) Celeron 466 and one on a 3.0GHz P4 with hyperthreading. The

        Wow - you must have the patience of a saint to do encoding on a
        Celeron 466! :)

> Has anyone else noticed this effect?  It doesn't seem right that the output

        No, can't say I've seen the effect but then I've been experimenting
        with y4mdenoise (from cvs) or working with digital data that doesn't
        require denoising at all.

> of yuvdenoise differs depending on what CPU you run the program on.  Any
> thoughts?

        Makes perfect sense - if there's a bug in the SSE routines ;)

        There's also a chance that the bug has been fixed in the cvs version -
        don't suppose you could give that a go and see if the problem's
        still lurking about?

        The vintage Celeron doesn't have SSE capability (I think the newer
        ones do have it) so it uses only the MMX routines.  The P4 on the
        other hand does have SSE (and SSE2) and will use the SSE based routines.

        You can probably speed things up a little on the P4 by disabling the
        hyperthreading.   I tried it and on a good day the speed hit was only
        10 or 15% but some job mixes the system slowed down by closer to 30%.
        When Intel comes out with their new true dual core cpus then that'll 
        be nice but till then I haven't had much success with the 
        hyperthreading's quasi 2nd cpu.

        Steven Schultz

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