> > I prefer to not reencode the first 182053 frames AGAIN. So if anyone 
> > knows/has an indea how to concatenate 2 m2v-files, I would also 
> > appreciate that.
>       There have been a couple references to such a program/utility posted
>       to this list recently about that - perhaps a quick search of the last
>       week or two in the archives will pop up the answer.

I have written a "quick and dirty" utility to do this and it appears to
work.  It's a bit slow though - the bit I/O isn't optimised or anything. 
Furthermore, the program also falsely spits out a confusing error message at
times and I'd like to eliminate that before releasing the code (the trigger
condition for the error message is clearly wrong).  I will attempt to bash
the source into reasonable shape over the next few weeks and will put it up
for download for anyone who is interested.

I suspect this is the utility that Steven was thinking about.

* Jonathan Woithe    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        *
*                    http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/~jwoithe            *
** "Time is an illusion; lunchtime doubly so"                              **
*  "...you wouldn't recognize a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and *
*   danced naked on a harpsichord singing 'subtle plans are here again'"    *

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