Hi, thanks for answers,

I have also probe driver ZORAN_VIDEODEV_2 from CVS, but it get the same 
Now I have installed driver-zoran-0.9.0 from CVS (message "Zoran MJPEG board 
driver version 0.9.0" in log) and there works with lavtools for record and 
playback, but xawtv shows only black window. I have probe also xawtv with 
option -noxv, the result is the same.
Why can I load the old driver and why don't work xawtv-3.91yet?

Thanks for help and a nice day,

Am Montag, 10. Mai 2004 20:42 schrieben Sie:
> Hi Jurgen,
> On Mon, 2004-05-03 at 18:12, JÃrgen HÃhnel wrote:
> > i2c-algo-bit.o: Buz[0] SCL unexpected low while pulling SDA low!
> this mostly indicates that the card could not be initialized because the
> driver and your hardware don't like each other. This is mostly
> motherboard-related, and I unfortunately haven't found any obvious way
> of optimizing the driver yet. If I knew how to do that, I definately
> would.
> I cannot give any other advice than to try the card in a different
> computer with a different motherboard.
> Sorry,
> Ronald

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