Well, after jumping through a few hoops, I finally managed to put my 6 seconds 
of Computer generated video onto a DVD to see if it looked any better on hte 
TV that the computer, and it doesn't ):

Now this is probably due to many factors that are my fault, as the video looks 
identical to the raw video, so I know that the mjpeg tools aren't to blame.

First problem, I didn't enable AA when rendering the images, as jitter becomes 
very apparent in video streams, but AA can be enabled in POV-Ray without 
using jitter, so I want to look into that.

I rendered the images at 720X576, as that's the DVD standard setting, but I 
didn't take into account the aspect ratio, which will be very important when 
I look to make wide-screen video, which keeps the same resolution settings, 
but alters the aspect ratio to create the 16:9 rather than 4:3. I'll need to 
look into this setting for POV-Ray as well.

I am wondering if I should render the images at a much higher resolution and 
scale them down, but would this effect the image quality in a posible bad 
way? I fear it may introduce jitter during the scaling operation. I'm not 
sure what resolution is used by the industry by default, but I know that they 
use 32 bits per primary colour, I.E. 3X32 bits of colour for each pixel 
rather than the standard 24 or 32 bit per pixel. Of course this and more gets 
scaled down between the film and the DVD, and since I'm only trying to create 
DVD's there should be no reason to go overboard.

I think I'll just try the AA without jitter, since many starfield effects 
reduce most stars ot a single pixel, which, if I rendered at a larger 
resolution and scaled, would get lost in the scaling. But I'm open to other 

That's enough of my thinking out loud for now (-;


        John Gay

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