On Sat, 3 Apr 2004, Matti Haveri wrote:

> I finally managed to compile mjpegtools-1.6.2 after upgrading to Mac OS X 10.3.

        Was it all that hard? ;)

> (I have installed Fink package manager but it seems to have only 
> mjpegtools-1.6.1-23 even in unstable tree).

        I never bothered with Fink.   I did, at one time, use a couple things
        from the OpenDarwin ports but I skipped that step when I installed
        the new system (dual G5 tower).

> export CFLAGS=-I/sw/include
> export LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib
> export ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /sw/share/aclocal"
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/sw/lib/pkgconfig"

        One thing I found necessary was to add DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to the
        environment so that the linking finds all the libraries I installed.
        In my case it was enough to add

        setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib

        to my .cshrc file.

> Then I download the latest mjpegtools tarball and expand it with 
> StuffItExpander (yes, I should forget this GUI stuff ;)

        Yes indeed - I mean really, is

                gzcat file.tar.gz | tar xpf -

        any more difficult that downloading a new StuffIt, etc? ;)

> I cd 'ed to the expanded folder and:
> ./configure
> make
> sudo make install
> And, to my surprise, the binaries were installed at:

> /usr/local/bin/mpeg2enc
> /usr/local/bin/mplex

        Why are you surprised?   If you do not specify "--prefix=..." to
        ./configure the default if $prefix gets set to /usr/local

        In your case it would be something like

                ./configure --prefix=/sw

        to install under /sw/{lib,bin,...}

> A basic question: is there command to display which version of 
> mpeg2enc or mplex is running (I now have different versions at 
> /sw/bin and /usr/local/bin).

        Yes, if you look closely at the output of mplex (just type mplex -h)
        there's a line:

        mjpegtools mplex-2 version 1.6.3 (2.2.3)

        That's the CVS version because it's 1.6.3 

> Next I'm trying to do all encoding etc in CLI so stay tuned ;)

        That's where I spend 99.99% of my time ;)

        Steven Schultz

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