On Fri 16 Jan 2004 05:20, Bernhard Praschinger wrote:
> Hallo
> > I've been basing my CG trials on a Linux Journal article.
> Fine :-)
> > It states that the proper size for PAL video is 720 X 576 and NTSC is
> > 720 X 480
> For full size video.
> > I've been creating some animations based on the 720 X 576 size, but the
> > images seem extremely grainy to me. Also, this seems to be for standard
> > TV aspect, not Wide screen.
> Does the source image look not grainy ?
Yes. I am redering images with POV-Ray, creating 24 bit PNG files.

But I suppose it could be viewing them on a 17" monitor rather than a TV?

> Which commands did you use to encode the video ?
I use 
png2yuv -I p -f 25 -j <IMAGE>%<XX>d.png > output.yuv
to create the raw video, then
mpeg2enc -f 8 -o output.m2v output.yuv
to encode the raw video into DVD ready video
> To see the difference between the source and the encoded video could you
> get a few frames from the mpeg you created. Created mplayer -vo png/jpg.
> And put them online or send them to me (SF does to sent mails which
> excced a certain size).
The video seems to be a more than accurate recreation of the images. It's the 
size and quality of the source images I am worried about.

> > Should I be making my images larger, wider or am I just being too picky?
> > I've had a quick google for DVD frame sizes, but can't find much and
> > surfing rates are too steep for long-term searching.
> You find plenty of information about the mjpeg encoding in the
> mjpeg-howto on (mjpeg.sf.net).
This is also in the sources. I've read it. It does give good info on how to 
use the tools but I am trying to create CG DVD's using POV-Ray and I was just 
concerned that my images did not seem to have the resolution quality I would 
expect from DVD. But since I have not yet put any of my videos onto DVD and 
played them through a TV yet, it could just be my perception.

> If you do not thave the quality you want it is usually not well choosen
> option you used fro creating the video.
> auf hoffentlich bald,
I grew up in America, so I didn't even learn proper english (-:

Thanks for the info. I didn't mean to imply that the tools or your 
documentation were the problem, it is my source images I want the best 
quality from.

At the moment I am playing with some Starwars models in POV-Ray, creating some 
nice fly-byes and dog-fights.


        John Gay

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