> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2004 09:33:22 -0800 (PST)
> From: "Steven M. Schultz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Mjpeg-users] Encoding large DV files to mpeg-1 and mpeg-2

> >        I picked up smilutils-0.1.2 from
> > http://users.pandora.be/acp/kino/smilutils.html . I compiled ffmpeg from
> > CVS
>       Hmmm, that's quite old.   I know that 0.1.3 was released some time
>       ago, not sure where the download link for that is hidden though.

            That was a problem. I found that smil-utils-0.3 was released. I 
tried that and had problem with reading after  62% of the DV file. I picked 
the version from CVS and it worked like a charm. Thanks for the suggestion.

>       Hmmm, that might just be ./configure looking for libdv.  What version
>       of libdv are you using?

              I was using libdv-0.99. I now picked up the latest from CVS.

> checking libavcodec version (build >4644)... yes
              Originally, it was not finding it. Now I pointed it correctly 
and I get the line as above and it uses libavcodec.

>       I'm wondering if the large files you have are using the ODML format
>       or some other (non-standard) method of handling AVI files over 1GB.

                        The large files I have are ODML format. 

> > >     smil2yuv -i 2 redhotridinghood.dv | \
>       ...
> > >        y4mscaler -O chromass=420_MPEG2 | \
> >
> >          When should I use y4mscalar and when should I not use it. I want
>       Always.
>       If any scaling or chroma conversion is needed use y4mscaler.

                Thanks. I am using y4mscalar now.

                I am able to generate VCD successfully. But I am having problem with 
I am using 

smil2yuv -i 2 ../test.avi 2>smil.err | yuvdenoise -S 0 -l1 2>yuv.err | 
y4mscaler -O chromass=420_MPEG2  2>y4m.err |mpeg2enc -f 8 -M 2 -E -10 -2 1 -q 
6 -K kvcd -o test.m2v >mpeg2.out 2>mpeg2.err

(test.avi is a 13GB ODML DV file)

                I find that, the final mpeg2 generated contains only 16.39 minutes of 
I generated the wav using smil2yuv -a test.wav and the audio is fine -- full 
1 hour. Similarly the MPEG-1 VCD is full 1 hour. Only the mpeg2 video is not 
fine. I am at a loss. If I dump the output of smil2yuv to disk, I get a 52 GB 
file (DV file is 13 GB), so that seems about right. None of the tools report 
any error. 

[fireplace:mpeg2]$tail -3 y4m.err
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Frame number 107913
   INFO: [y4mscaler] Frame number 107914
   INFO: [y4mscaler] End of stream at frame 107914.
[fireplace:mpeg2]$tail -7 mpeg2.err
   INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 107910 B quant=6.00 total act=2769634.95788
   INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 107911 I quant=6.00 total act=2769810.90260
   INFO: [mpeg2enc] GOP start (0 frames)
   INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 107912 B quant=6.00 total act=2769827.68565
   INFO: [mpeg2enc] Frame end 107913 B quant=6.00 total act=2769844.56189
   INFO: [mpeg2enc] Guesstimated final muxed size = 803803550

                I think mpeg2enc may be the problem. I do not know if I need 
to pass any other option. The MPEG-2 is for archival purpose, that 
researchers may refer to at times and would be played by software player 
(windows media player). 

      I have tried just passing output of smil2yuv to mpeg2enc and got the 
file with the same size.
       For the successful VCD, I used 

smil2yuv test.avi | yuvscaler -O VCD | mpeg2enc -f 1  -o test.m1v


p/s: Thanks Steven, for helping me out.

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