OK, I am done with dicking around with Quicktime.  I really hate having
to rebuild all software on my system simply because my distro does not
ship any video tools with quicktime linked in.

So, I am interested in how you all handle this multiple-AVI (because AVI
is too stupid a container format to handle >2G files) crap efficiently.

I have been looking at things like the avimerge but a tool like that is
going to double my transient disk spaces needs, which with an 80G drive
you would think would not be a big deal, but record 3 or 4 hours of TV
(at 5G/h) along with the backlog of unwatched programs that it
disappears quickly.

So here's my process, I am hoping you can help me find the right tools
to work this process as efficiently as possilble (i.e. a pipeline with
no or little need for intermediate disk storage would be ideal).

1. record with lavrec to multiple AVI files
2. create editlist with glav
3. transcode using edits to better compression (i.e. MPEG4) than MJPG

Right now I record with lavrec into a single Quicktime file.
I then edit this with glav to produce an editlist file.
I then convert that editlist file to an mplayer/mencoder EDL file.
Then I use mencoder to edit and transcode the quicktime file to MPEG4.

So given mpeg2 encoding is too slow (thus the need for mencoder) and
mencoder is not capable of multiple input files, but lavrec cannot
produce a single >2GB AVI file and that I don't want to double my
transient disk space needs, how do I get from multiple AVI files to a
single MPEG4 (or other mplayer playable format with as good a
compression as MPEG4) file with edits in between?

Open to all ideas, so try me.  :-)


My other computer is your Microsoft Windows server.

Brian J. Murrell

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