
>  >While playing around I have noticed a problem that the boarder seems to
>  >be fine as long as I set the color to black. But If I set is for example
>  >to a nice red (yuv: 16,128,234). I have something like a shadow around
>  >the area. First I thought it would be problem in my code. After searching
>  ...
>  >For the creation I used that command:
>  >lav2yuv -f 1 test.eli | yuvinactive -i 10x10+4+4 -s 16,128,234 |
>  >y4mtoppm >test.ppm
> Actually, there is no problem...  y4mtoppm uses a linear/triangle filter
>  to upsample from 4:2:0 to 4:4:4.  This will cause smoothing of what are,
>  in fact, artificially sharp transitions in the image. 
Ok, I noticed in the manpage the upsample note. But did not think that
this could cause any other effects. 

> (Not to say that your code doesn't have bugs, but this isn't one of them.  ;^)
What do you mean, or which places in the code ? 

That program ist obvious my first try. Sometime I wonder that it works

>  >The thing I don't understand is, according to the DMG "Chroma
>  >Subsampling Standards" Page from Matthew Marjanovic.
>  >The 4:2:0 samples should be aligend like JPEG/MPEG-1/MJPEG. The croma
>  >sample in the center of four luma pixles. The thing I don't understand
> ...That's where the chroma sample is located, but it's a common mistake

>  to think that it is 'defined' by the four original surrounding chroma
>  samples.  This is only true when a (spectrally-poor) box filter is used,
>  which downsamples by simply averaging the four closest pixels.  Better
>  filters will use more pixels, weighted appropriately, for both downsampling
>  and upsampling.
OK. But if I only want to set a area to a certain color, that should not
matter ?
Or would it be wise to make "soft border" by filtering the pixles on the
border ?

BTW: If you have any locations where I can also find more information
just tell me. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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