>>     Next thing to try is dump the mplayer -vo yuv4mpeg output to
 >>     a file (not all of it of course - just the first 20 frames or
 >>     so) and find the 15 or 16th 'FRAME' word.   That's not too hard
 >>     because the frame size is known (720x576*3/2).
 >I did that, and can't see any problem in mplayer's output. the 'FRAME\n' are 
 >where they should be (checked up to the 20th). That confuses me a lot. If I 
 >dump the mplayer output to a file and give that to yuvscaler I get no error.

My superquick $.02 here:

I bet some errant printf() in mplayer is writing UI crap to stdout instead
 of stderr....

-matt m.

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