First I apologize for the very basic nature of this query. My starting point is this. I have a sequence of jpeg images that I would like to turn into some kind of digital movie. From what little I know, mpeg would seem to be the prefered format because there are players on Linux, Mac and Windows. I started poking around and came across mjpeg tools. The name sure seems right. I tried installing the rpm on my Red Hat 9 system. That failed because of dependencies on libdv and quicktime. I could not find any rpms for those, but I wasn't sure what I was looking for. Then I compiled and installed the source. I read section 4 of the How To on how to build a video from still images. I tried the examples with mixed success. I was able to build a yuv file (?) but could never get mpeg2enc to work.

I have only a vague notion of what I'm doing here. The How To seems to seems to tell me a lot about how but not what or why. For example, I have a vague notion of what NTSC and PAL are, but not how they affect what I'm trying to do. My first question is am I on the right track? The second question is is there some site that explains the basics of digital video? Would that even help? If I am on the right track, where do I go from here?

Thanks for indulging a newbie.

Andrew Robinson

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