
> Are there any known problems in mplex (mjpegtools 1.6-1) concerning .ac3
> handling?
I guess that is was a that time not properly integrated.

Please try it should work there. 

> After (re)multiplexing a requantized mpeg2 stream with it's
> propietary (unchanged) .ac3 sound by using
> "mplex -f 8 -o foo.mpg foo.m2v foo.ac3"
> the resulting file would play just fine (video + sound) in mplayer/vlc,
> but mastered as DVD (dvdauthor, never encountered any probs that way)
> there would be just little distorted sound fragments
> as output from the settop player (still fine in mplayer).
Sounds like it would play a 44.1kHz file at 48kHz and insert after
having played all samples silence. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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