
> Can anyone help me with the error below please. I tried to build jpeg-mmx from
> today's cvs.
The CVS for the mjpeg mmx has not chaned for some time. ;)

I guess that you have a newer GCC 3.3 (may Suse ?) 
That this would be a known problem. 

> ~/cvs/jpeg-mmx> make
> gcc -O6  -I.   -c -o jdapimin.o jdapimin.c
> /tmp/ccFf1Igf.s: Assembler messages:
> /tmp/ccFf1Igf.s:619: Error: symbol `NOT_SUPPORTED' is already defined
> make: *** [jdapimin.o] Fehler 1

Get into the directory where that file is and compile it manually but
with -O2 instead of -O6 
Than than you can compile the rest again with make. 

I don't really know if this is a bug in the jpegmmx, oder a problem with
the compiler. That problem was dicussed some time ago. (I had it too) I
think it was in the mjpeg developer list. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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