I have a pipeline to process an MJPEG file and when it's all done, I
want to create an MJPEG file with the processed video and audio from the
original MJPEG.  Here is what I am doing so far...

$ lav2wav source.edl > dest.wav
$ rsh pvr "lav2yuv source.edl | yuvscaler -I USE_700x440+12+36" | yuvdenoise > dest.yuv
$ yuv2lav -q 80 -o dest.mov -f q < dest.yuv

But how can I get the audio back into dest.mov?  I don't see any options
for yuv2lav to mulitplex an audio stream back in.  I don't really want
to create an mpeg1/2 out of this.

Am I going about this all the wrong way?  Is there a better way to do
what I am trying to above?

The reason I want the result back in an MJPEG file is because I want to
use mencoder to transcode to MPEG4 using a 3-pass encoding.



My other computer is your Microsoft Windows server.

Brian J. Murrell

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