
> I read this thread and have some additional info. I can record
> movies with lavrec fine (Marvel G400, Debian Woody, kernel 2.4.21, oss
> sound modules), but lavplay cannot replay its own recordings
> (except they were recorded without sound = switch -a 0). The error
> message is (immediatelly after starting playing):
Do you have to use the -U option when you record the video ?

> angelmachine:/home/feca$ lavplay -pH test.avi
> lavplay1.6.1
> lavtools version 1.6.1
> **ERROR: [lavplay] Error playing audio: Audio task died. Reason: Error
> Audio ring buffer overflow
> I used an onboard via ac'97 soundcard (module via686cxxx...), and
> couldn't solve the problem. So i changed to my "old" sb128
> PCI, and with that animal all seems to be ok (with a shared irq...).
> So the problem must be really a driver issue, and with older and
> better supported cards can be overrided.
Lookes like as if the driver is not able to play back in mmap mode. 
You can check the driver if it should support it. And look for a driver
that should support that playback mode. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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