Thank's a lot for your answer: The tip with lavaddwav I should have 
found myself in the HowTo!!   :-(

The lav2yuv didn't work: I got the following response:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/data/family/video/skateboard> lav2yuv Clip0030.AVI 
Clip0001.AVI | mpeg2enc -o clip.mlv
**ERROR: [lav2yuv] File Clip0001.AVI: Audio is 0 chans 0 bit 0 Hz, should be 2 chans 
16 bit 44100 Hz
**ERROR: [mpeg2enc] Could not read YUV4MPEG2 header: system error (failed read/write)!
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/data/family/video/skateboard>

Actually the files were created on an older machine: Win98 with a FAST AV Master 1.3 
work under Linux). Maybe that is the reason for this misbehaving.


> Hallo
> > As a newbie to the mjpeg-tools I have the following problem:
> >
> > If got some avi-files with sound and some without sound. Now I would like
> > to combine the two types of files, to be able to process these files
> > further with glav (and so on). Preferably the output is an avi-file too.
> The file have to be the same type, means same video size, framerate, and
> audio.
> You can edit each file with glav/lavplay. And encode the video
> afterwards with that:
> lav2yuv file_with_sound.eli file_without_sound.eli | ....
> If the first file hast the sound you should not that much problems
> multiplexing one audio file afterwards to the video.
> If you have first silence you might have to encode "silence", or use the
> mplex -O|--sync-offset option. With that you can specify a offset
> between the audio and video. But I don't know up to which time (seconds)
> this works.
> > It wouldn't matter whether I had to remove sound from the files with
> > sound or to add sound (frome the zero-device) to the files without sound.
> You can add sound to a avi with lavaddwav.
> auf hoffentlich bald,
> Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter
> www:

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