Hi all,

I am learning how to play with yuvcorrect_tune.
I just have a single frame, which I think is Ok. but it lasts for an epsilon.

Anything I am doing wrong ?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] essai]$ smil2yuv -f 1 
/home/dvideo/Steve/source/capture002.dv  > frame ; cat fifo | yuvplay ; 
yuvcorrect_tune -I frame -M HALF_LEFT > fifo

   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0000 - 0:00:00.00
   INFO: [yuvplay] Playing frame 0001 - 0:00:00.01
   INFO: [yuvplay] Played 0002 frames (0:00:00.02)
   INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] yuvcorrect_tune 1.7.0 (26-11-2002) is an 
interactive image correction utility for yuv frames
   INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] (C) 2002 Xavier Biquard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
yuvcorrect_tune -h for usage, or man yuvcorrect_tune
   INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] Y_1.000000_0_255_0_255
   INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] UV_0.000000_1.000000_128_1.000000_128_0_255
   INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] R_1.000000_0_255_0_255
   INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] G_1.000000_0_255_0_255
   INFO: [yuvcorrect_tune] B_1.000000_0_255_0_255

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