
> Im new to this list and video processing in general so please excuse me if
> my questions seem stupid, thanks.
> I have a mpeg-file and want to create a svcd-image with vcdimager, but it
> tells me the following:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~>vcdimager -t svcd -l 'Good Bye Lenin CD1' -v -p input.mpg
> --DEBUG: initializing libvcd 0.6.2 [linux-gnu/i686]
>    INFO: scanning mpeg track #0 for scanpoints...
>    **ERROR: mpeg scan: pack header code expected, but 0x00000000 found (buflen = 
> 2324)
Seems you have not used the correct options when encoding or

> According to the information mplayer prints on stdout, the format of the
> file seems to be suitable for a SVCD:
> VIDEO:  MPEG2  480x576  (aspect 2)  25.00 fps  2875.0 kbps (359.4 kbyte/s)
> AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, 16 bit (0x10), ratio: 28000->176400 (224.0 kbit)
The image size is important but there are several other things that make
a SVCD different from a MPEG2 movie. Basiaclly SVCD is MPEG2 with some

Take a look in the mjpeg doc area, there you find the mjpeg-howto which
explains how to create the correct format. (Also a german version).

> So I googled for information on MPEG, (S)VCD and Linux and ended up here at
> mjpegtools, which seems to be the right tool for the task of SVCD-creation.
> I will try to reencode the file with mpeg2enc but I wanted to ask some
> experts first if this is really necessary because I think the
> deconding/encoding procedure will reduce the quality of the video, won't it?
Decoding/encoding will lower the quality a bit. Usually you won't notice
the difference to much.

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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