>      The >235 Y' values aren't uncommon --- I've seen that referred to as
 >       "Superwhite".  These values don't map to anything in R'G'B', though,
 >       and need to be clipped if working in R'G'B'.  Otherwise, consider it
 >Actually, my current denoise color-correction uses RGB, so I guess I'd
 >better be careful (or correct in YUV).

If you can stay in Y'CbCr, you are better off.  Going back and forth between
 the two colorspaces is a lossy operation.

 >      (Do you really get 0's and 255's in there?  I thought that they were
 >       actually illegal values in Y'CbCr, to be used to indicating sync stuff
 >       or other out-of-band info.  The actual legal range should be 1-254 for
 >       all planes.)
 >Yep - in one frame I have 41 0's and 59 255's.  I believe you are
 >correct that they are illegal, but then yuvcorrect is my new best

Hmmm... I wonder if those 0's and 255's are coming from the camera, or from
 a fencepost/corner error in libdv.

 >I assume that a properly calibrated TV won't show any difference
 >between Y=16 and Y=1, though?  Not that I have any of those
 >(calibrated TV's, that is)...

It shouldn't show any difference --- the electron gun can't get any darker
 than black.  In fact, the right way to set the black level on your TV
 involves adjusting it until a black and a 'blacker-than-black' signal
 look the same.

 (Incidentally, the original reason for NTSC setup --- a 7.5 IRE difference
 between 'black' and 'blanking' levels --- was to make absolutely sure that
 the electron gun in the TV tube was turned off during horizontal retrace,
 even if the circuitry was a bit off.  It made the whole viewing experience
 that much more robust at the time.)

 >      PS:  Thanks for discovering the +16 offset in smil2yuv; that would have
 >           annoyed me to no end if I had found out after burning plastic...
 >You're welcome.  I somewhat recently got this camera and a DVD burner

Plus, all this talk of clipping got me to look over my colorspace conversion
 code in mjpegtools again --- and I found a pair of bugs in the clipping.
 Yeap.  Fix checked into CVS.

-matt m.

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