Hello Mjpegers,

I'm in the process of trying to determine a Linux-based editing solution
to archive some material of people giving presentations that I have on
tape.  I had been using (or attempting to use) lavrec to do capturing
from an LML-33.  However, I recently got an ADVC-100 as recommended by
this group to do captures using 1394 for some tapes, and a Sony GV-D800
for directly capturing 8mm based tapes (D8, Hi8 & Lo8).

So, I then tried Kino to do some simple edits, but unfortunately,
it's a little too simple.  Basically what I'd like to do is load
a long sequence, split off the audio so I can run it through some
filters to remove the noise (via audacity or whatever), bring the
audio back in, and then for the video, leaving the initial capture
as the primary sequence, but overwriting some of the frames (for
example if someone walked in front of the camera I might just hold
on an image just before that occurs during the visual interruption).
Or, I might want to put in some audience shots from another camera,
or from another part of the tape.  The audio, of course, would just
keep rolling.

During this process I might run the video through yuvdenoise, or
perhaps after the edit is done.  So, can anyone suggest a Linux
tool that would allow this do be done with relative ease?

One thing I do like about Kino is that it can be controlled by
an edit wheel.  But other than trimming frames, it doesn't have
enough edit capabilies.

And part of the process will probably require converting my dv2
files to mjpeg, and thanks to Ronald's reponse to Tyler's request,
that seems to be bascially solved, but it leaves open one question:

Tyler wrote:
>> However, I have hit a stumbling block- there seems to be no way
>> to convert from dv (type 2 avi or otherwise) to mjpeg!

Ronald responded:
> You could try 'lav2yuv file-dv.avi | yuv2lav -o file-jpeg.avi'. This
> won't do sound, you need to add that manually. There's a patch on my HD
> that adds sound support to yuv2lav - it still needs to be committed.

Which begs the uestion whether Ronald will make the committment prior
to the release of mjpegtools 1.6.2?  And then to the question of when
1.6.2 might be released.

(I'm also wondering whether anyone knows when libdv 0.99 will be out,
I read about an imminent release while searching one of the linux-video
maillist lists or webpage, and it lead me to think that it might be
prudent for me to hold off a bit before going ahead full-bore on my
video captures/edits.)

If it matters, I have a dual Athelon 2000+ system with a Tyan
motherboard (not sure if it has the dreaded VIA chipset or whether
that would negatively affect me).  OS is Linux 2.4.18-3smp (standard
RedHat 7.3).

        Bill, anxious to edit,

/* Bill Sherman  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                                */
/* National Center for Supercomputing Applications                       */
/* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                            */
/*     Og - "You want to do mankind a real service?  Tell funnier jokes" */
/*  Spinner - "but facts don't always reveal the truth"                  */
/*      Robin - "Yeah, but I always figure that's the writers' fault"    */

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