
> I'm having problems with a .mpg play back with the RealOne player.
> The clip is 47 seconds long, and RealOne is only playing the first 30
> seconds.  When RealOne starts up, the info window indicates the clip
> is 47 secs, but as it plays, that time decreases (for some reason it
> thinks the clip is getting smaller) to 30...
> I created the video stream using mpeg2enc using variable bit rate
> encoding.  I combined this with an audio stream using mplex.
I think you use some very uncommon options. And many player cannot
handel that stream. 
> I find that RealOne works if I use the -f 1 option with mplex, but
> that causes the resulting file to shoot from 3.8 MB to about 8 MB.
If you use -f 2 and -V, you shoud get again the correct filesize. 
When you use -f 1 mpeg2enc thinks you have a CBR (Constant bitrate
stream) and that causes the problem. 

> The QuickTime player always places the movie correctly.
> Any ideas how I can fix this without doubling the file size?
Lookes like the player is having troubles playing back mpeg1 files, like
the MS Media player

Try a other player lie xine, mplayer and vlc are players (more can be
found in the interoperability section of the mjpeg-howto) that work very

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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