
> >>  I just learned that I can use VCD Copy X to rip the tracks off of a
> >>  VCD or SVCD as *.dat files. I renamed the *.dat files as *.mpg and
> >>  they seemd to be OK.
> >>  <http://www.cs.ucla.edu/~nathanst/software/vcdcopyx/>
> >>
> >If you wanf to "rip" VCD/SVCD vcdaimger's vcdxrip will allso do the job.
> There is a Mac OS X port of vcdxrip but I couldn't figure out how to use it...
OK. I Linux use it like this:
> vcdxrip --cdrom-device=/dev/scd2

An it rips the data from the 3th drive. 
Maybe you have problems with the /dev/cdromdevice ?

> >>  So is a DAT file the same as a multiplexed MPEG2 file in this context?
> >
> >The DAT file is something close to the multiplexed mpeg. The blank files
> >you have in the mutliplexed MPEG have now navigation information.
> Hmm, should I unmux and remux the DAT file into a new MPG or does
> this additional navigation info cause any trouble if I just reuse the
> DAT file in other SVCDs?
I would say no, but for a reliable answer you have to ask on the
vcdimager mailing lists: http://savannah.gnu.org/mail/?group_id=47

> >BTW: Do you have a colletion of links with MAC tools ?
> >So others do not have search for tools, like you had to do.
> I have collected tools that work for me in the SVCD on a Macintosh
> memo and cookbook at:
> <http://www.sjoki.uta.fi/~shmhav/SVCD_on_a_Macintosh.txt>
Ok, that link is alreaddy in the englisch version of the howto.
It will also be aviable in the next german version I (hopefully) release
within the next few days. 

auf hoffentlich bald,

Berni the Chaos of Woodquarter

www: http://www.lysator.liu.se/~gz/bernhard

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