Dear Visa Cardholder,

Continuous Monitoring is an integral part of Visa's multiple layers of
security. In addition to other fraud monitoring tools, we can often spot
fraud based upon transactions on the card that are outside of cardholders
typical purchasing pattern.
This allows us to spot fraudulent activity as quickly as possible and
acts as an early-warning system to identify fraudulent activity.

During a recent checkout we detected suspicious activity and your Visa
card may have been compromised. Fraudulent activity made it necessary
to limit your card for online services.

Your Case ID Number is: AY09GP32DD06

Conform to our security requirements and in order to continue online
services with your card, we must validate your identity.

Please use our link below to proceed:

Visa takes online security very seriously so that you can shop safely on
the Internet. As part of our commitment to fighting fraud we have the
right to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal
activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to
the physical safety
of any person, or violations of the terms and conditions for using Visa.

) Copyright 1996-2011 Visa. All Rights Reserved.

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