2011/2/6  <cr...@hush.com>:
> Okay, so I am almost positive that the issue lies within the
> creation of tun0 at the time of OpenVPN startup:
> /sbin/ifconfig tun0 netmask mtu 1500
> broadcast link0
> The 'link0' section that OpenVPN adds on is layer 2, while tun
> devices are layer 3. For some reason OpenBSD is forcing OpenVPN to
> do 'link0' and there is no way to stop it, no matter how many
> options I specified in OpenVPN to use tun/tun0 as layer 3.

I had the same problem once. Not sure why OpenVPN does it this way on
OpenBSD, but you can easily do whatever you want in startup script(s).
Something like this:

/usr/local/sbin/openvpn --dev tun0 --route-noexec --ifconfig-noexec \
         --up /etc/openvpn/updown --down /etc/openvpn/updown ...

and then in updown things like:

if [ ${script_type} = "up" -a ${script_context} = "init" ]; then
        /sbin/ifconfig $dev $ifconfig_local $trusted_ip \
                mtu $tun_mtu netmask ...
        /sbin/route ...
        /sbin/pfctl ...
if [ ${script_context} = "restart" ]; then
if [ ${script_type} = "down" -a ${script_context} = "init" ]; then

You have a lot of variables available, already set to the values you
need for your commands. Just add an "env" to the script on a first run
to get all the variables logged.

> Does anyone know how to disable this behavior in OpenBSD for
> OpenVPN? Even if I manually remove the link0 flag with ifconfig,
> upon OpenVPN startup it destroys/re-creates the tun0 device with
> link0 by default. This behavior is only consistent with OpenBSD. If
> I remove the link0 flag from tun0 after I am connected to the VPN,
> it promptly brings down the status tun0 entirely.

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