On Wed, 2 Feb 2011 09:00:10 -0500
"Jean H. Theoret" <ve...@rac.ca> wrote:

> This one's got me stumped for a few days now...
> How is it possible to control the network interface numbering
> assignment order?
> Here's my specific case: the box has 2 on-board Ethernet interfaces
> and a 3rd one on a PCI-Express card. They come up as:
>    re0: PCI-Express card
>    re1: on-board interface #1
>    re2: on-board interface #2
> A recent event had disabled the PCI card, and the remaining network
> interfaces ended up being reassigned (upon the next reboot, of
> course) as:
>    re0: on-board interface #1
>    re1: on-board interface #2
> Could this have been prevented by forcing network interface assignment
> to on-board interface _first_, then the PCI card? Or is there a way to
> bind network interface assignment to the adapter's MAC address as
> numbering hint?

I think you should be fine using the tricks like bringing the real
interface to vether(4), or even doing trunk(4) with only one running
interface. YMMV, though. 

With best regards,
        Gregory Edigarov

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