> > Could you pls explain, what is P and What is U displaying in > > front? > >
> Please read the cvs(1) manual. :-) > Yes, thank you very much. I am reading. I fount what I want. Pls see below. I can go ahead. Thanks once again for your support. taken from the OUTPUT of *man 1 cvs* update keeps you informed of its progress by printing a line for each file, prefaced with one of the characters to indicate the status of the file: U file The file has been brought up to date with respect to the repository. This is done for any file that exists in the repository but not in your source, and for files that you haven't changed but are not the most recent versions available in the repository. P file As but instead of transferring the entire file a patch containing the required changes were sent. A file The file has been added to your private copy of the sources, and will be added to the source repository when you run on the file. This is a reminder to you that the file needs to be committed. R file The file has been removed from your private copy of the sources, and will be removed from the source repository when you run on the file. This is a reminder to you that the file needs to be committed. M file The file has been modified in your working directory. can indicate one of two states for a file you're working on: either there were no modifications to the same file in the repository, so that your file remains as you last saw it; or there were modifications in the repository as well as in your copy, but they were merged successfully, without conflict, in your working directory. C file A conflict has been detected while trying to merge your changes to file with changes from the source repository. file (the copy in your working directory) is now the result of merging the two versions; an unmodified copy of your file is also in your working directory, with the name `.#file.version', where version is the revision that your modified file started from. (Note that some systems automatically purge files that begin with if they have not been accessed for a few days. If you intend to keep a copy of your original file, it is a very good idea to rename it.) ? file file is in your working directory, but does not correspond to anything in the source repository, and is not in the list of files for cvs to ignore (see the description of the -I option). > > -- Thank you Indunil Jayasooriya