Hi . Thanks for your info. Sorry for the delay in thanking the list. I downloaded csup-20090407.tgz and now started updating the 64bit OpenBSD system. anyway, I preapared a Doc for it. Since OpenBSD is open, I want to send the preapared my Open Doc for everyone. Pls sahere it. * Here is How to. Pls see below*
First of all, A few system info # hostname pf64.622bsd.com # uname -m amd64 # uname -a OpenBSD pf64.622bsd.com 4.8 GENERIC#182 amd64 # uname -r 4.8 Now, starting the job. # mkdir /root/obsddir # mkdir /root/obsddir/pkgs # cd /root/obsddir/pkgs/ # wget -c ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.8/packages/amd64/csup-20090407.tgz # pkg_add -v csup-20090407.tgz # cd /root/obsddir/ # vi csup-file-src (csup file for *src* -( Houses all source code for the OpenBSD Operating System). Pls save and exit) *default release=cvs *default delete use-rel-suffix *default umask=002 *default host=cvsup.jp.OpenBSD.org <http://cvsup.jp.openbsd.org/> *default base=/var *default prefix=/usr *default tag=OPENBSD_4_8 *default compress OpenBSD-src # vi csup-file-ports (csup file for *ports* - (Houses the OpenBSD Ports). Pls save and exit) *default release=cvs *default delete use-rel-suffix *default umask=002 *default host=cvsup.jp.OpenBSD.org *default base=/var *default prefix=/usr *default tag=OPENBSD_4_8 *default compress OpenBSD-ports For src, run below commnad. # csup -1 -L 2 csup-file-src For ports, run below commnad. # csup -1 -L 2 csup-file-ports That's it. On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Rune Lynge <rune.ly...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 7:33 AM, Indunil Jayasooriya > <induni...@gmail.com> wrote: > > I installed OpenBSD 64 bit. I want to update it by using cvsup.But, I am > not > > able to find a *cvsup* 64 bit pkg . > > cvsup is ONLY_FOR_ARCHS = i386, but there is csup, see > <http://marc.info/?t=125763073100002&r=1&w=2>. > > Rune > -- Thank you Indunil Jayasooriya