On 12/20/10 12:43, Orestes Leal R. wrote:
everything from update the MBR, dislabel, etc, seems to work, but when I
do newfs /dev/NameOfPartition
It says
/dev/NameOfPartition: Block Device
geez. Definite security issue there, definitely can't let us find out
what disk you are trying to newfs (incorrectly). And yes, what you are
hiding IS your problem.
and anything else, and later can't mount the partition off course.
Like Otto said, "man newfs"
Hint: the opposite of "block" is "raw".
Double hint: as Otto indicated and I hinted at, what you were doing
before was wrong. They don't let you do that anymore.
On 12/20/10 10:45, Orestes Leal R. wrote:
Hi guys, yesterday I was adding a new virtual disk (in vmware
workstation) to my 4.8
virtual but I can't do it because the procedure to format and make a new
seems diferent for 4.6 or 4.3 compared to 4.8, any help?
no, not really different (though some things are more precise now)
So...the basics:
What did you do?
What did you expect to happen?
What did you see happen?