On Tue, 14 Dec 2010 17:19:23 -0700
Clint Pachl <pa...@ecentryx.com> wrote:

> roberth wrote:
> > omg, i am using 95% of my memory all the time, should i be worried?
> > maybe kern.bufcachepercent=95 has something to do with it; blame
> > Bob. 
> Holy shit! Mine's at 10%. Maybe I should crank mine up to to 95% and 
> then buy more RAM.

90% was what was asked for in testing the feature.
but since evacuating ram when needed works so nicely, i thought why not
crank it up some more.
guess even 99% with 2GB ram won't be noticable. ram is so much faster
than the disk you have to get the data from. and no, no swap use
someday bufcachepercent will be bumped by default. can't see a reason
not to.

no need to by more ram, to raise the cache.
only got two gig in my thinkpad.
after booting and starting the usual susspects(xfce,claws,ff,some
terminals), i am still way below 1gig in use. (that's before caching
realy kicks in. nice to have it for cvsync-ing the updated cvs-tree and
then 'cvs up'-ing from ram...)

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